Education System in Guyana
The Co-operative Republic of Guyana, also referred to as Guyana is located on the north eastern coast of South America. It is one of the few Caribbean countries that is not an island. Brazil, Suriname and Venezuela and Atlantic Ocean form the border of the country. Guyana has a tropical climate with hot and humid temperatures. May to August and November to January are the rainy seasons in Guyana.
The Education System of Guyana was considered to be the best amongst the Caribbean countries, but has deteriorated significantly due to the lack of funds and resources. There is lack of teachers as most of them move out because of low payment and increased crime rates affecting the quality of education in Guyana.
Education Structure in Guyana
The education takes the following path in Guyana:
Preschool Grade: This includes Pre Kindergarten and Kinder Garten
Primary School: Grades 1 to 6
Secondary School: Grades 7 to 13
University Programmes
Guyana is one of the highest ranked developing countries in the Education Index of the United Nations Human Development Report. With a score of 0.943 on the Education Index, its overall rank is 37, but ranks third in the Caribbean after Cuba and Barbados, and second in South America after Argentina. The government also offers many adult education programmes.